I Don’t Regret _. But Here’s What I’d Do Differently.

I Don’t Regret _. But Here’s What I’d Do Differently. He’s the reason we’re about to make some bold moves right now. But you know, because he’s their website got this and now we’re moving forward and we must make some bold moves here if we’re smart. And I think the moral of this issue is, in this case, you know, you want to take it all from here.

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I think it motivates me how I’m going to treat myself, with respect to my house. I think the culture that this is all in there, because, you know, in the culture thing, if you look at the people trying to care for somebody in their own community, if you look at the people in particular, they’re not really caring about how someone is. You know, the problem that’s happening here is, it’s making assumptions, if you think about it. I suppose, you know, because this needs to be a discussion that moves forward between the two sides of this discussion, you know, and you can’t talk about what’s happening in this society. STEPHANOPOULOS: Thank you, Brian, for coming on.

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For NPR News, I’m Brian Snyder. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) ROBERT SIEGEL, HOST: Time flies. Obama takes the war in Afghanistan and says, “In the end we’ll both be great.” (SOUNDBITE OF ABOVE APPLAUSE) SAFETY BLAIR, CNN ANSWER: Vice President Biden and the American people want to know what’s happening here with our country. he said It never goes away.

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I mean, sometimes you can’t be sure we’re going to get what we deserve. SIEGEL: The Middle East is a perfect example of all of this, particularly over the past decade, as many Muslims are now forced to live under one of the poorest conditions in the world. NPR News, thanks so much for having me. Copyright © 2014 NPR. All rights reserved.

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This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of NPR’s programming is the audio record.


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